MoonGuard: Krater


Laravel Debugging

Discover the power of Krater - the lightweight, cross-platform desktop application that revolutionizes Laravel app debugging on your next major project.

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Compatible with macOS | Win 11 | Linux


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We created Krater to make your development experience better and easier.

SQL Query Debugging

Debugging queries with Krater

We continue to work on a new feature that will allow SQL query debugging in Laravel applications with Krater. We invite you to watch the following video for a preview of how you will be able to use this feature:


Debugging with Krater

Krater simplifies your debugging experience on Laravel apps, print your recent database queries, incoming HTTP Requests, print any variable or even log your exceptions.

Query Analysis


Get deeper with your SQL Queries through SQL Explain, Describe, Table Structure, AI and more.

We're currently improving the SQL Query Analysis in Krater so you can get more detailed information from your project queries.

Query Explain in currently available on our latest release (compatible with MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite)!



We, as developers, often find ourselves printing out variables to read their values, is one of our best way to understand what happens in our code.

Krater is able to read and print (through Larvis ) any type of data, including objects, arrays, integers, floating point numbers, strings, and more.

Take advantage of Larvis and Krater in your Laravel project to easily print your variables.



Don't miss again those hidden N+1 database queries!

Watch all your database queries with Larvis and report them to Krater.

Krater enhaced with Larvis provides a powerful way to debug and log all your executed queries from your app.



¡BOOM! your app exploded and you're filled with errors and exceptions.

Krater provides an easy and fast way to debug and log exceptions from you Laravel project (through Larvis ).

Take advantage of Larvis and Krater to effectively debug and resolve exceptions in your app.

HTTP Requests


Track every request from your Laravel app.

Krater (through Larvis ) is able to read, debug and log all your incoming HTTP request from your app

Take advantage of Larvis and Krater to enhace your Laravel experiencie working with HTTP Requests.

Krater is exceptionally fast and lightweight. We have designed Krater to ensure that your data is stored locally, allowing you to keep track of your work without the risk of losing it.


Time to evolve debugging

Get your license and join the experience of living the evolution of debugging with Krater.

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You'll be charged $14.99 then $29.99 every year (Billed Anually)

License as a Transparent Subscription

The license works on a subscription basis, by purchasing it you will have access to all the features and functionalities of Krater.

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